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Wednesday 7 August 2013

Big Love for Pretty Pink Hair.......

I actually really love the colour of my hair here - this was yesterday afternoon. But by the time I'd washed my hair again last night the colour had faded to extremely pale pink. Such disappointment. I will most definitely be dying it this colour again. It's a really pretty colour I think :)


  1. Looks lovely! I'm sure the pale pink looks pretty too though.
    I've found pink to be a really prone to fading super fast. I usually do my hair pink and purple, the purple will fade but still be visible for a couple of weeks but the pink only lasts days.
    Have you experimented with different brands? I'm going to try a semi-permanent as soon as I can get my hands on the brand (it isn't sold here in Australia unfortunately so I have to import it). Supposedly though it lasts a few months, which would be awesome! :)

    1. Thank you. Your right, pink does fade faster.......when I'm lilac it lasts longer, but I prefer the pink!
      I've use Directions and Crazy colour........the Crazy Colour lasts longer, but not by much :(

  2. Its really nice!

  3. the pink hair! I've always wanted to do that. Looks great on you.

  4. It's very pretty! :) I've always wanted this color hair but it isn't allowed where I work. ;_;

  5. Ah!!! This is exactly how I want mine to look! What do you use??? How do you do it???? Please, tell me! :)

    Life of Mabel

  6. OH I love your hair. You look so pretty! I like your blog. Maybe you can visit my blog and follow me on gfc and bloglovin.


  7. I seriously LOVE this color! It looks so pretty on you. I've always wanted pink hair myself and somehow never had it even though I was a major dye addict. I did my sister's hair this color recently and we're going to refresh it soon and add some orange/peach shades too. Love pink hair!

    xo, Michelle
    Neon Rattail

  8. Snow - Thank you........the good thing about using the colour I do, is that its gone after a few washes - perfect for time off work :)

    Mabel - I used coral red and lavender ( mixed together with conditioner) - both by Directions :) it is the most perfect colour x

    Selinalie - Thank you very much :)

    Michelle - thank you, your so sweet! Orangy Pink is what I'm trying to achieve next - I have the dye now, just need to do it. I Hope it comes out right :D

    Kate - Thank you so much :)
